Lady Liquid Offerings

01. Movement Classes on your schedule

Wanna learn to move like Sadira, but have trouble making it to live class?

Worry not friend! You can dance with Sadira any time you want by simply signing up for her Patreon!

Recorded dance, movement, and meditation classes at your finger tips 24 hrs a day! What could be more convenient?!

02. Thai Massage

What exactly is it and is this right for me??

I like to tell folks "Thai massage is where Yoga And Massage meet. You get to lay back and enjoy while I do all the work. I'll bend you into a bit of a pretzel and then stretch you out again.” We start from your feet and work to your head with you lying on your back (or side if needed) and if there's time, I'll flip you over and work from the feet to the head again.

03. Performance and Lifestyle Coaching

Are you a performer craving a more captivating expereice? Do you long to possess the titillating presence you’ve witnessed by Sadira?

Do you want help with some upgraded life practices? Hints for good eating habits and a moment practices for the life you live??

04. Bellydance

Wanna see Sadira dance live for your event?

Performances start at $350 per act

Sadira can even teach you to move like her, all you have to do is ask!

Looking for a Live Workshop with Sadira??

Click Event or Connect with Sadira to host Your special event!

Ready to work together? Let’s chat.